Friday, August 13, 2010

Concept Writing

Create a passage/writing that describe concept of something by using the thing in the picture
Red Pepper, describe "Love"
As the colour that flow in our body,
As the addiction that our senses experienced,
As the burning tast that we found,
Love is the secret recipe for making our life happier.

Fire, describe "Life"
Alone, will make you surrounded by darkness
the only thing you can depends on is yourself
But with together, we can make ourself lighter than the ocean of star

Ice Cream, describe "Pain"
To make somebody taste the deepest of pain,
don't just punch him directly.
Let him feel the pain without prepareness after he completely drown in sweetness
Try this, give him all the sweetness he wants but never toothbrush
Coffee, describe "Love" or "Life"
With the taste of bitter memory,
you will make your rest of your life more calm and steady.
Onlythe one who experience the life knows "Coffee"
Credit Card, describe "Love" or "Life"
Life is like credit card,
you can use your future time to make some silly decision
but finally you still need to pay for it
Goldfish with Shark Fin, describe "Man" or "Woman"
She is bluffing, she is bluffing,
She is just pursueing outside-reputation.
She is acting, she is acting,
She is just pretending to be stronger than her look

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